Friday, February 18, 2011

What is this.. and who am I!

Hello there!

I am a momma of 4 wonderful little kiddos, I am self employed and own a small internet business dying yarn and knitting items mostly for babies. I also have several published patterns. I spend so much time on the kids, the work, and the hobbies that I have gotten lost in the mix!

So.. This past week hubby bought us new Body Buggs (like the arm bands on the biggest looser) and I am working HARD to loose weight!

I will frequently be sharing stories here, posting pics of food I eat, and keeping track of my weight loss.

Someday I will post my before pictures for you, but I am not quite ready yet. EEK! Someday I may also tell you what my current weight is! But again, not today! LOL

Today I made a strawberry spinach salad with almonds for lunch, that was wonderful! I hope to make it more in the future!